The future is upon us—self-driving cars, machine learning, virtual reality, little microwaveable rolls of pizza.
Life is more different and enchanting than we've ever known it to be.
Though the future is a terrifying wondrous place, the allure of the future can blind us to fact that, though the contexts change, the core issues remain the same.
In the 18+ years I've spent building things for digital devices, the common thing that hasn't changed is people.
People are infinitely curious, inherently unpredictable, and sometimes just plain bonkers remarkable.
Innovation is inevitable—the future will continue to ever change.
Yet, if we neglect to empathize and don't put people from all backgrounds, cultures, and choices at the heart of everything we create, we will only scratch the surface of what is possible.
Design will shape the future.
Let's make it better than the past.

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